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Setting a button to return to default map view

10-24-2022 12:06 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hello All,

There may be a very simple answer that I am overlooking, but I'm relatively new to Experience Builder so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

I have an Exp. Builder site that has a list of locations on the left hand side of the page that interact with a map view.  When I select one record I am able to use actions to zoom into the selected record as the list turns to a card that displays additional information about the selected item.

In the card I have a back button to return to the list.  I would like that button to trigger the map to return to the default map view.  Can anyone help me with that if it is possible?

This is on Enterprise 10.9.1, I've attached screenshots for reference

Thanks in advance!


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