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Query Widget - Support selected features view only

11-21-2022 03:32 AM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


I was looking to configure the query widget in Experience builder to allow users to identify features from one dataset based on their proximity to another dataset. When configuring the data source under "Selected features from data source" it says "Support selected features view only" meaning that the query will only run against selected features in the dataset. Is there any reason for this limitation as in it's current form it means my users would need to manually select features in the map first? This is causing problems due to feature limits when selecting.

In Web AppBuilder the query tool appears to run against the whole dataset unless a selection is made in which case this can be selected for use instead. I know there are potential issues where a user may try and run the query against too many features but is it better to not offer the choice as Web AppBuilder did?

It would be great to know if this is a limitation likely to be lifted in the near future so any response would be much appreciated.



1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Thanks for the post. Yes, Query widget avoids users to run against too many features for performance purposes. A big difference of ExB from WAB is that ExB is designed to be data-centric, which means data operations (such as selection) from one place will also impact all other widgets that are using the same data. So the UX might be slightly different from that in WAB.

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