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Quantization requests

09-29-2022 03:54 AM
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Regular Contributor

Hi ExB gurus

I have a custom widget, based on the map-view sample widget in the SDK. It takes an identifier passed into the app via a query string parameter.depending on whether a feature is found that matches the identifier it will either:

if feature found, it will:

  • create an edit branch version and switch to it
  • zoom to the feature
  • turn certain layers visibility off
  • select the feature
  • apply some filters to a number of dataviews

if the feature is not found, it will:

  • create an edit branch version and switch to it
  • find a supplied addres using a locator
  • create a point feature at the found address location
  • zoom to the address location
  • turn certain layers visibility off
  • select the new feature
  • apply some filters to a number of dataviews

The first piece of logic works well with no problems, the alternate second logic works but generates approx 300 odd quantization queries to a couple of visible feature layers, which causes the browser (chrome) to consume 100% cpu for the 100 odd secs it takes to process these requests. Also the Chrome instance then also consumes 1-1.5Gb of memory and doesn't seem to release it. I am regularly getting WebGL warnings in the browser console, and the app become very unstable (most likely due to lack of free memory).

I have analysed these requests and they appear to be for 2 feature layers (utility network layers for what ist worth), unrelated to the feature layer that the feature is added to, the queries seem to cover the full service area extent (not the current zoomed map extent in the app), they seem to be for 4 different LODs (arrived at by the maxAllowableOffset parameter in the requests). These requests are not being issued (to this extent anyway) if the feature exists, so it seems it has something to do with the creation of the new feature.

I am purposely not using the DataSourceComponent to access the datasources, as I find I can work more efficiently/effectively with the dataSources directly.

Is anyone able to suggest what might be triggering these quantization queries and/or suggest how I might be able to prevent them from being generated? I am not sure if this is a question for the ExB team or for the Javascript API team.

I am using ExB Dev Ed. 1.9.

Thanks in advance.

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