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Public Survey Widget " refused to connect"

06-03-2021 12:48 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

I have an embedded Survey123 Widget in my Experience Builder application that does not connect when NOT logged into an ArcGIS Online account. When logged out, clicking the survey widget displays a white pop-up window with the text " refused to connect."

The widget works exactly as intended when logged into my organization's user account; however, I need the widget to be available to the public.

The survey in Survey123 is set that Everyone (public) can submit to the survey. And submitters can 'add and update records.'

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III


Do you have "only one submission" set in Survey123 under Multiple Submissions? This requires an AGOL sign-in. If I remember correctly, updating of a record requires login control too.

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New Contributor II

Thank you for the suggestion.

Multiple submissions have been allowed, so it must be some other issue.