Hello! As of the June 2023 update, the layer list now integrates the legend that allows end users a more intuitive experience. However, I am seeing that as a result, the legend is showing up actually three times per layer. Once by default with the layer, and twice underneath the actual layer list checkbox button. This only seems to affect group layers.
Please see the screenshot provided below - did my best to capture all three separate instances of the legend for one specific layer. Am I configuring something incorrectly or is there some way to resolve this?
Hello @Tiff
The current legend display follows the default behavior - group layers will also expand and show all legends for the containing layers.
Thanks for bringing it up, and we will take a look and see if it is a potential enhancement.
Hi @TonghuiMing, thanks for explaining. I think it would be helpful to have the main group layer legend as well as the individual layers and checkboxes. I feel like the 2nd one is a bit redundant. I think it makes the user experience a little more clunky, which makes me more inclined to keep the Layer List + Legend separated, but it would be nice to have both as shared in the last release. Thanks again!
By design, they should only occur twice (below the group layer, and then for each individual layer). Somehow I cannot reproduce the case when legends re-occur three times as you mentioned in the original post - that is quite odd. Is it possible to share the data/app with me to take a further look at it?