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Interactive Legend in Experience Builder like in Instant Apps?

11-05-2021 11:52 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi all,

New to Experience Builder. I love the interactive legend Instant App that ESRI provides. However, I want to add a lot of functionality, like extra buttons, etc. (which doesn't seem possible). Is there a way to create the interactive legend like it has using ExBu? I see I can create a list that can be filtered, but that seems to give one entry for every feature in my dataset. I would love something where I can click on the legend, all other legend items disappear. Is this functionality something I'm missing, but exists?



3 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

What are the extra capabilities you'd like to add to the Interactive Legend instant app?

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

I’d love to be able to add additional filters for one. So I’d love to be able to click the legend for one particular attribute (say only show homes with a permit for an addition) and then be able to set a filter for between the value of $10000 and $5000o. Then maybe be able to see a data table of the filtered features. 

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I agree, this would be awesome. Any development on this?