Seems like a really easy task but I'm somehow not getting it.
How do I label my drawings and points in the draw widget?
@DanCopKac , unfortunately, that functionality isn't available. See
Here's a link to the functionality matrix for widgets in ExB vs. WAB
Seems pretty crazy that the draw widget was added over 18 months ago... I thought maybe they only just recently added the draw widget. WAB to the death then!
Hi @DanCopKac, draw text is in our product plan and is in progress. We will give you an update once we have a timelframe for it.
Thank you. In the meantime, you guys might want to reference Robert's custom draw widget. He used to be a prominent member of this community.
His draw widget for ExB was released over 2.5 years ago and it has text support, and also doesn't erase drawings when resizing. 😊
It realy is the eDraw Widget that we need a port to EXB: GitHub - magis-nc/esri-webappbuilder-widget-eDraw: Ehanced draw widget for WebApp Builder for Arcgis... / With the current Draw widget, I dont even see a use case since there is no label, no export/import, etc.
Clearly the use case is for children who are bored while using the app! It is for their parents to be doing GIS work while the kids use the Draw widget, similar to how children might use crayons to draw on the menus in your favourite restaurant!
Draw text is now available in the November 2024 release. Please give it a try, and feel free to share any feedback. Thanks!