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Hover function for charts in Embedded Dashboards using Experience Builder

06-23-2021 12:47 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable


I am having issues seeing the hover text for my data in my embedded dashboard in Experience Builder. I have two rows of charts and the hover text doesn't show for my bottom charts. When I review the dashboard outside of EB, all the hover text can be seen.

Is there a way around this?

Thank you.

4 Replies
Occasional Contributor III


@Anonymous User 

Can you post a link to your Exp or a few screenshots, please?

by Anonymous User
Not applicable
At this time due to Privacy I cannot.

The dashboards outside of Experience Builder works as it should when I hover over the charts but once I open the embedded dashboards in the experience it doesn't work.

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Occasional Contributor III

@Anonymous User 

Understandable re privacy, though if you try with non-sensitive data and get the same results you could post here.
I know this may sound too simplistic, but always worth checking - the hover doesn't work once the experience has been published? (Just in case you're wondering about it in edit mode)

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New Contributor

Hello, I am a colleague of SReidWilliams, we found that it was a sidebar mounted on the bottom of the screen/window was preventing any mouse functions in the bottom half (approximate) of the screen/window. We found that by removing the sidebar the experience then started reading the mouse pointer throughout the whole screen/window. We are looking at work arounds to the sidebar at this point. 

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