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Filter Widget issue with Unique source type when using merged symbols

Occasional Contributor III

I am using merged symbols for a feature layer for displaying the data in my data source (Web map), but this is causing an issue when using the same field in my Filter expression. I want to use Unique values for my source type, but it seems like the merged fields are preventing all of the unique values from showing up in the menu:

Merged symbols.PNG


I have two values merged for the Hand Launch and Airboat symbols in the web map.








Filter Menu.PNG

This causes unwanted behavior in my Filter widget. I seems as though the widget is coded to take the field values from the symbology rather than the layer which is kind of weird. Is there a checkbox some place I am missing, or has any one else had the same issue and knows of a work-around. I know I could probably added another layer just for Filtering and maybe try and add an action to Filter the displayed layer, but that is a lot of extra data and processing and adds an extra level of complexity that seems a little over the top. Looking for better suggestions.



I also tried using predefined values with 'contains' and only the last values shows up in the menu:

Predefined values.PNGFilter Menu with predefined.PNG

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