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Experience Builder Date Format IIS Issue

a week ago
Regular Contributor


I've deployed my application to IIS server and seems like the date format inside feature info, table and date component all not using en-GB date format.




However, in local pc EXB dev edition the app shows en-GB date format. I did open the web map layer via portal map viewer. The popup and table do follow en-GB date format.

I've already update IIS language and date settings but still can't change the date format of the app.

Is there any extra configuration to be done if the application being deployed in IIS? FYI, the web server can't access public web. Not sure if this causing the issue.


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2 Replies

I might be wrong, but I believe Created_Date and Last_edited date are auto generated fields that give you audit information about a row of data.  When it was created? Created Date.  When it was edited last? Last Edited Date:  Those dates likely don't mape to the fields you were wanting to have for INspection Setup.

If you look at the fields for the layer, are they DateTime, DateOnly?  I know i had an issue once where if I didn't include some 'time' part in the date that it would not save propertly, maybe its something like that?

The last time I did this I used a Calcite Date Picker component to give me a calendar I could navigate through to create the correct selections.

What type are you using on the interface/type for the input as its put in?  is it Text? DateTime?

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Regular Contributor

DateTime. That UI component coming from filter widget. 

We did not configure any format when we deploy the feature layer from ArcGIS Pro. So, I'm assuming it will take account device datetime format.

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