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Experience Builder: Click point to select and zoom to polygon possible?

02-06-2022 12:06 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Hi all. I'm using EB and have a point layer and polygon layer, with 51 records in each. The point and polygon have a unique KeyID in common. I've successfully created a framework action so that when a point is clicked, the point is selected, and I think the polygon is selected. All points are still visible, and only that related polygon is visible.  But here's the goal: When I click the point, I need only that point to be visible (not accomplished yet) and related polygon visible (already accomplished), and I also need the selected polygon to be zoomed-to. Is this possible? It seems like I'm missing something easy here. My programming skills are rudimentary. So far, I've not used developer with this build, but could switch to that if needed (I think) to solve this. Can anyone help me understand whether it's possible and how to accomplish? Many thanks,


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6 Replies
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Hi Raena.  I implement a point, line, and polygon feature layer in my map.  These were very simple geometry layers I created in AGOL, which I then added to my map.  When I click on a polygon that is part of the polygon-related feature layer (see below) it highlights, a pop-up comes up, and I can go to "Zoom to" in the popup to zoom to it.  I know it may not be an ideal work-around, but have you tried configuring your feature layer to have a pop-up?



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Occasional Contributor

Thanks John! I have configured rather elaborate (to me) pop-ups that appear in the Feature Information card in the sidebar. The popups are configured from the polygon attributes that were joined to the point features using a unique ID field in AGOL. (Since I have many overlapping polygons, the point features need to be the trigger that is clicked to select the feature and display the popup, rather than the polygons.) I have successfully configured the app to automatically pan to the selected feature at a scale that captures most of the related polygons. Are you saying that if I make the point and polygon layers part of the same hosted feature layer in AGOL, I could configure the automatic zoom to the related polygon when a point is clicked?



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"Are you saying that if I make the point and polygon layers part of the same hosted feature layer in AGOL, I could configure the automatic zoom to the related polygon when a point is clicked?"

No, I don't mean this, and as I understand, a feature layer cannot support multiple geometry types.  That being said, what I would do in AGOL is configure a very simple pop-up for the polygon layer.  The pop-up can be very simple and display some attribute.  Doing so, in your web app, if you click on the polygon, you will get the pop-up and should see the "Zoom to" icon, like I demonstrated in the image I attached earlier

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you. As I mentioned, I have many overlapping polygons, so this would be a somewhat messy solution, but I will play around with it.

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Yeah, I am not saying its ideal.  I gather the other thing you could do is if there is a 1:1-relation between a point and a polygon, then in the feature layer which has your points (only your points, not the polygons), you could enable pop-ups for that point-based feature layer.  Thus, if someone clicks on a point, then you get the pop-up and Zoom in feature.

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Occasional Contributor

Yes, that's how it's currently configured.

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