Hi, I am using Experience Builder to build a tool for a high school curriculum. In the tool, students click on a Census tract in California and then it generates a number of charts with demographic information about that tract. In both the editor and the published web version, chart widgets will (seemingly randomly) cease to function and show the error "Error: s is undefined." This can sometimes be fixed by moving charts between widgets (on the editor side) or refreshing the page, but not always. I'm learning Experience Builder as I go, so it's possible I'm doing something stupid that's causing this error, but I can't figure it out.
Hi @mtebbe - thanks for sharing the app. However, I cannot access the data layers, could you please help confirm those are also shared if possible? Thanks.
As far as I can tell, everything is public. If it is helpful, here is the link to the two maps used by the tool:
@mtebbe The maps are within your org so I cannot access it
That's why I am seeing the following, and have a hard time trying to pinpoint the problematic area:
Could you help double-check on that? Or you could reach out to Esri Support and they will help you build a reproducible environment for us to take a look.
Any resolutions? One of my users is receiving the same error, but I haven't been able to duplicate it on my device.