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Experience Builder Action Trigger (List & Map Widget)

04-24-2020 02:35 PM
New Contributor III


I'm creating an app with multiple pages. Each page is referencing a separate web map. In each page I'm using the following action trigger:

Source = List Widget

Target = Map Widget

Action = Zoom to

This action trigger works successfully in two of the pages, but for some reason on one of the pages the action trigger is not zooming to the feature on the map when the respective item on the list is selected. The only thing which happens is the map pans to and highlights the feature on the map.

I believe the issue has something to do with the web map I'm referencing because the action widget works in the page I'm having an issue with when I change the data source to a different web map. I tried creating another web map using the same data but continue to have the issue (so maybe it's the data?).

The web layers I'm referencing in the app were originally created in ArcGIS Pro, shared as a web layer to ArcGIS Online, and then added to a web map. I've used the same workflow when creating each map. Any suggestions on how to further troubleshoot this issue?


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7 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Zach,

Any chance you can share the experience so I can take a look and if needed look through the console?



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New Contributor III

Hello David,

Thank you for your willingness to help. The issue I was having had something to do with the data I used to created the hosted feature layer. I ended up using a different dataset and no longer have issues.

Thanks again,

New Contributor III

Hello, David!

Have you ever not written down the solution to a problem only to have that problem happen again months later? Sigh... 

I'm having the same issue with the zoom trigger/action between a list widget and map widget not working correctly.  Based on my response to you I had a solution which had something to do with a change to the dataset I'm using, but I can't recall what I did. I'm guessing you will need to view the actual content of the app, which I'm happy to share. How do you advise I share the content with you? I can add you to the ArcGIS Online group containing the app items.

Thank you!

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New Contributor III

The cause of this issue has been identified and resolved! The issue was due to the layer not having the correct projected coordinate system(PCS). After changing the layer's PCS to WGS 1984 Web Mercator the zoom/trigger action worked.

Note to self - always make sure all data in Experience Builder is in WGS 1984 Web Mercator!

Thank you David Martinez for helping me troubleshoot this!

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New Contributor

Hi Zachary,

I'm now in the same predicament as you... Only two lists/layers are responding to triggers in my map. However, I've checked all my hosted feature layers and they seem to have the same PCS.

From what I've read, I'm not able to change the layer's PCS once it's hosted. I don't want to risk overwriting the layer...

Many thanks,


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New Contributor III

Hi Hayley,

Do your hosted feature layers have a PCS of WGS 1984 Web Mercator? I also am reading that there does not appear to be a way to change a hosted feature layer's PCS without overwriting. 


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MVP Regular Contributor

In case anyone stumbles on this post again, wanted to chime in - I was experiencing the same issue with triggers only working for certain views. What ended up working for me (after lots of research and frustration) was a very easy solution....simply delete the trigger and re-add it within EB. 


“The goal is not simply to ‘work hard, play hard.’ The goal is to make our work and our play indistinguishable.”
- Simon Sinek
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