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Embed Experience builder app as an iframe in website

05-30-2023 04:00 AM
New Contributor


I would like to know if it is supported by Esri to Embed Experience builder app in iframes in external websites.


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9 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @ShiraKellerMandel ,

Yes it is applicable to embed ExB app to other iframe. 


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New Contributor II

how do you do this/where can you obtain the iframe code? 

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @SineKelly_AEC,

Usually you can simply copy the experience URL and imbed to other app. 
To get a better iframe code, you can also add a Share widget in ExB experience, and then from the Share widget, you may find "Embed" option where you can customize the size for iframe and then copy the code to use.



New Contributor II

Thanks @WeiYing1 

I have done this and used the embed code to embed the app in a sharepoint site, but only the app loading bar appears.

The app is not shared publicly. Should this mean that I expect to see a loading bar, or a sign in page? I assumed that I would see a sign in to ArcGIS Online page within the embedded iframe, and by entering my login details I would be able to see the map.

I dont want the map to be shared publicly, but want internal staff members who are using sharepoint (and also have a AGOL login) to be able to view this as well. 

Should this work in theory or not? Would it make any difference to create/share the app from a Portal rather than AGOL?


Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @SineKelly_AEC ,

So your problem is when embed a private ExB app to a website you only see a loading sign but no login-in page/popup? 
That sounds like a bug then. Are you able to share the website? You don't have to share the ExB app publicly. 

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New Contributor

Hi Weiying,

I encountered the same issue where the login page didn’t appear on my web page. Instead, only the loading page was visible. However, when I changed the sharing permissions of the experience builder to public, the content loaded successfully. Unfortunately, I don’t want the content to be accessible outside our organization. Is there a solution to the bug we’re currently facing?

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New Contributor



Was there any update on this?





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New Contributor

Hi Alfie,


Have you had any response about this?



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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi all,

Thanks for sharing your feedbacks. Sounds like some of you have the same issue accessing the ExB app when it is embedded. However, it is difficult for me to tell what's going on without seeing an example. 
Understand that some of the content cannot be shard publicly, but you may contact me in personal message through community to share the ExB app if possible to help investigate. 


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