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Editor Widget: Users with Viewer Role/User Experience

12-19-2024 10:55 AM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

We are working with an SDE Feature Class published through REST on Portal, which is then referenced in an Experience Builder Application in AGOL; accessing the data layer requires a login (through Portal) using each users' Active Directory credentials.  

We administer user privileges in Portal, designating a few users as Editors, and many others strictly Viewer roles.  Most of our users understand their role when using this tool; however:

1. Viewer-Users appear to experience a different appearance of the Editor widget: some Viewers receive the message "No editable layers".  Other Viewers see the Edit Widget... either behavior is technically acceptable, but the distinction is not clear to us?

2. More importantly, for Viewers who do see the Edit widget, for all intents and purposes, it would appear to them that they have full editing privileges -- as in, they can begin to edit existing features, create new features, and click the Update or Create buttons respectively; of course, their edits are not saved (in the client, or in the SDE), which is desired and acceptable.  However, in this case, their edits 'fail silently', and while this 'silent failure' is mostly an inconvenience for us, ideally, when a Viewer-User attempts to save an Edit, they would receive a warning message or similar...

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

I’m unable to identify the issue based on the current descriptions. Could you please collaborate with our support team to create a reproducible app? This will help us investigate further. Thank you!

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