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Deploy Custom Widget to Enterprise with Third-Party Libraries

11-13-2023 11:26 AM
New Contributor III

Is it possible to deploy a custom widget to Enterprise 11+ that has a third-party library (such as 'react-data-grid')?

My widget functions correctly in Dev Edition, but when I run npm build:prod to compile it, it does not include the library from node_modules. I have tried installing the library to both the root client folder and directly into the widget folder. I'm not sure how to deploy my widget that will include the react-data-grid component with it.

1 Reply
New Contributor III

In case anyone else is trying this... I figured it out. I just didn't read the documentation closely enough. You have to run 'npm install' in the client folder, and ExB will install all dependencies in each widget folder. Then when you compile the dependencies will be included.