Experience Builder Dev Edition 1.8.0
I have a custom widget where I use DataSourceManager to access a specific data source. The odd thing is all my code works fine when I use the Live View mode in Exp Builder but fails when I preview the app.
When I console DataSourceManager.getInstance() in Exp Builder I can see my data source in the DataSources object but when I do that in preview the data source is not there.
Is there something I need to do to force the data source to be available in preview?
@Danik-B Do you use DataSourceComponent in your widget? https://developers.arcgis.com/experience-builder/guide/use-data-source-in-widget/#read-and-display-t...
In builder, all data sources will be created automatically for the convenience of changing data setting. However, in preview, only data sources which are used will be created.