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Data Centric Editor Widget does not Respect Hosted Feature Service Editing Settings

05-25-2023 12:25 PM
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Occasional Contributor

Data Centric Editor widget in my Experience Builder page only allows editors to edit records they created.  The "Update" button is active, but edits are not applied unless a user had created that record.  Here's the Editing settings on the feature service view. Please notice that Editors can see all features, which is working, and Editor can edit all features, which is NOT working.  All features can be edited outside of Experience Builder (Map Viewer Classic, ArcGIS Pro).



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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

On suggestion from a co-worker, I created a new web map application using ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, and added the Smart Editor widget.  I was able to edit all records using this process.

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Looking at the Network traffic on the browser, Experience Builder was attempting to update ALL the fields in the record, not just the field(s) that were updated.  I have two "Note" fields that provide the user with a URL to a web page and PDF document.  The Editor widget was failing because of these two URL fields.  Once the URL fields were removed from the hosted feature service view, the Editor widget worked correctly.  I believe that this is BUG with the Experience Builder's Editor widget, because Smart Editor does NOT do this, that is, update all fields in a record if only one is changed .

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