I'm trying to modify the web-map-swap custom widget created by @GavinR : GitHub - gavinr/web-map-swap-experience-builder: Sample widget experimenting how to swap the webmap ... to accept a web map datasource rather than an item portal id.
I've updated the settings for the widget to accept mutiple web maps and datasources and I would like the user to be able to choose those datasources from a drop down to update the map widget.
/** @jsx jsx */
import { AllWidgetProps, React, jsx } from 'jimu-core'
import { IMConfig } from '../config'
import defaultMessages from './translations/default'
import { MapViewManager, JimuMapViewComponent, JimuMapView } from 'jimu-arcgis'
import WebMap from 'esri/WebMap'
import MapView from "esri/views/MapView";
import { WidgetPlaceholder } from 'jimu-ui'
import { _SettingRow } from 'jimu-ui/advanced/lib/setting-components/components/layout/row'
const starIcon = require('jimu-ui/lib/icons/star.svg')
const { useState } = React
export default function Widget (props: AllWidgetProps<IMConfig>) {
const [jimuMapView, setJimuMapView] = useState<JimuMapView>()
const mvManager: MapViewManager = MapViewManager.getInstance();
const selectChangeHandler = (evt) => {
if (jimuMapView) {
if (evt.target.value !== '') {
console.log("This is the starting jimMapView")
console.log("This is the starting jimMapView")
// const options: __esri.MapViewProperties = {
// map: new WebMap(),
// };
// jimuMapView.view.map = mvManager.createJimuMapView({
// mapWidgetId: props.useMapWidgetIds?.[0],
// view: new MapView(options),
// dataSourceId: evt.target.value,
// isActive: true
// }).then(jv => {
// //setJimuMapView(jv)
// return jv.view.map
// })
//try set map view
jimuMapView.view.map = new WebMap({
// portalItem: {
// // autocasts as new PortalItem()
// id: evt.target.value
// }
} else {
// set to default (todo)
let content
if (props.useDataSources &&
props.useDataSources.length > 0) {
content = <p className="shadow-lg m-3 p-3 bg-white rounded">
<label style={{ maxWidth: '100%' }}>
{defaultMessages.webMap}:<br />
onChange={(evt) => {
style={{ maxWidth: '100%' }}
{/* <option value=""></option>
{props.config.webMapIds.map((webMapId) => {
return <option value={webMapId}>{webMapId}</option> */}
<option selected disabled>
Choose one
{props.useDataSources.map((datasource, index) => {
return <option value={datasource.dataSourceId}>{datasource.dataSourceId}</option>
onActiveViewChange={(jmv: JimuMapView) => {
} else {
content = <WidgetPlaceholder icon={starIcon} widgetId={props.id} message={defaultMessages.placeholderMessage} />
return (
className="widget-view-layers-toggle jimu-widget"
style={{ overflow: 'auto' }}