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Connecting Near Me Widget to List Widget

09-08-2023 10:55 AM
New Contributor


I am trying to create my first web app in experience builder, and still getting used to it. 

I am specifically trying to configure a list widget with the near me widget. My goal is that someone could use the near me widget to find out how many toxic facilities are within a ten mile radious of them. And then, a list widget shows the congressional representatives for all of the facilities within that ten mile radious. Both widgets are configured to the map, but I cant seem to connect the widgets to each other, which I think may be the source of the issue. Basically, I want the list of facilities that is created when you use the near me widget to also show up in the list widget. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

This is not currently possible in Experience Builder (latest version 1.12). ESRI is working on making Near Me an output data source at which point it may become possible to do something like this.

Your best solution would be to configure the popup template for the toxic facilities layer in the webmap to contain the congressional information.

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
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Esri Contributor

Hi @JillWeber ,

We added support for Near Me to create output data sources that can be used as input in other widgets, like List, Table or Feature Info. So you can accomplish your above mentioned workflow now. First configure the analyses in Near Me, then add List widget, Click on Select data, from the Select data panel, click Outputs and you should be able to see Near Me output data sources.


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