HI, I'm trying to configure the style of pop-up boxes in ArcGIS Experience Builder. I've created a web map in Map Viewer classic and configured the pop-up boxes to be a custom attribute display based on some html code which I have imported. However when I load the map into ArcGIS Experience Builder, some of the styling of the pop-ups is lost, and I cannot seem to find a way to alter the background colour (black) of the pop-ups in Experience Buulder.
At this time, as far as I've seen, the pop-ups don't have styling options in ExB, but they do have data layout options. Unfortunately, those vanilla pop-ups are rather locked in at this time
Seems they are adding great tools constantly, hopefully we can get caught up with the functionality from previous apps. Its a creative journey trying to achieve things in the new ExB.
Hi, thanks for this, where can I access the data layout options for pop-up boxes in ExB?