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Changing section views in a window

07-27-2021 11:19 AM
New Contributor


I am using the experience builder, and want to create a section with multiple views in part of a window, with each view triggered by a button in the same window (but outside of the section). Once the views and buttons have been created, when I go to link the button to a view, it only gives me options to link it to a view on my main page – there is no option to link to the view in the section in my window. Are sections just not meant to be used within windows?



4 Replies
Frequent Contributor


Hi, hope you don't think I'm being cheeky here..... first off, quick question;

You want a window, with a section containing multiple views?

Buttons - section views, fine

Window, buttons, views, let's see.



Have just tried, and no. You have gone down the same rabbit hole as I did recently. I put a number of filters in a window, to be tidy, but unfortunately this just wasn't going to work currently. 
I'd look for an alternative to your process.

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Regular Contributor

Hey Ricky,

I ran into the same thing and found a less than ideal workaround until they add that ability to reference items outside the page/window.

I have created a test app to prove the possibility

And here is how I created it and figured it out.  I reference each object in the test app in parenthesis.

  1. Create a window with your section (Test Window)
  2. Reference that window with a button on your main page so you can open the window in runtime (Main Page - Main Button)
  3. Add a Row to the Test Window (Row 1)
  4. Add a Column to Row 1 (Column 1a) and make it about 10 columns wide.
  5. Add a Views Navigation to Column 1a (Views Navigation)
  6. Add a Section to Column 1a (Section)
  7. Add all the content to your Sections (duplicate if you want like I did - I made three views)
  8. Add a Row to Row 1 (Row 2)
  9. Add a Column to Row 2 (Column 2a)
  10. Add as many buttons as you have sections ( I have three so I added three buttons)
  11. Now save, publish and run the app (Note - Live View will not help you here)
  12. Navigate to the Test Window by pressing the button
  13. Click on each section in the navigator and copy the FULL URL to a notepad.  Note that you must click on a different section then return to section one to get that URL.
  14. Notice that the URL parameters reference which dialog (window) and section (view) it is in. This is the key! In my example :
  15. Go back to the dev environment and set the link on your buttons to the appropriate views:
    • Link to: URL
    • URL: the URL you want to reference that you copied above in step 14
    • Open in : App Window - so that it doesn't open a new tab.
  16. Optional - remove the View Navigation and rely just on the buttons (I didn't in the app so you can see all objects but I would in my final version)

This will cause the program to refresh the page each time but you will link to the proper location.  Hopefully the Experience Builder Team will make this easier in an upcoming version.


Hope that is helpful!


Kevin Wright

Kevin Wright
Data Visualization Enthusiast
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Regular Contributor

Hi Ricky - 

Was my solution at all helpful?




Kevin Wright
Data Visualization Enthusiast
0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor

This issue has been resolved in the latest AGOL 10.3 - now you can link to section views inside a window.

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