I have a map in my ExB application, and when i use full screen mode, the map has the background color changed to black. How do i turn this off? I have attached screenshots of the map in both 'normal' view and full screen view
Hi Kamran,
It looks like you're using a tile map for a local area, so when you expand to fullscreen mode by default, the background color of the view in fullscreen mode is black. We do not have any settings in the map widget to change this through the UI. This would have to be something custom where you override the background-color.
Hi David,
Where in the code would we have to override this?
Hey Kamran,
I tried to override it, but the background color is added by the browser, we need to provide a CSS reset to fix this. I will log this as a bug.
Hello, I have the same problem. Any news on how to avoid this color change?
this unpleasant problem too...any news to solve this bug?
This resolved my issue : https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-widgets-Fullscreen.html
The default background color of the view in fullscreen mode is black. The background color can be changed in css using .esri-view:fullscreen selector. The background color defined on .esri-view and WebMap.initialViewProperties will also be used in fullscreen mode.