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Search Widget - Add 'Set Symbol' Action Setting for 'Show on map' Action

01-03-2022 02:43 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

It would really be helpful to be able to change the symbol for the point that is placed at the center of the map when the Search widget is used with a locator, for example, to zoom to an address and show the point on the map. As you can see below, the yellow dot is not very visible against all basemaps. If possible, we would like to be able to make composite symbols (e.g., crosshair reticle - circle with no fill surrounding a plus sign).




Have you tried modifying the map layer's symbology for "selected" state?


@FredericPoliart_EsriAU this is specifically referring to when using the widget with a locator, so there is no map layer associated.


I am having the same issue.  I need a symbol to display at the center of the map when returning the result of an address search using an address locator.  I am using Experience Builder 1.14. and would like to display something like this (any symbol is better than nothing).


Currently, I don't have any symbol that displays as the address location.



You can set custom symbols in the message action settings:




Thanks for the quick response.

I am trying to display an address referenced by an address locator.  There is no actual point data that is being zoomed to.  Can address locator results 'show on map' the center of the 'zoom to' when point features do not exist?  The previous screenshot is from a different map viewer that displays the geocoded address, not an actual GIS feature.