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Refine Suitability Modeler Widget

02-07-2023 07:20 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

Allow grouping of Weighted Raster Overlay (WRO) service layers in the Suitability Analysis widgets. Right now, when you create a WRO service each layer in it has an individually adjustable weight (total must equal 100% for all layers included) and a suitability score as well via a slider/number input. 

It would be great and incredibly helpful for end users if we could bundle WRO layers into groups or categories within the suitability analysis widgets and then assign a collective weight for the entire group/category.  For instance each raster within the WRO that pertains to environmental factors could be grouped, same for say transportation and land use,  and then each group/category assigned a weight to equal a total allotment out of 100%.