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Import Geocortex Essential 4.12-4.15 into WebMap and auto-build Experience Builder project. gtx2exb

01-17-2024 04:18 PM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

Has anyone attempted to code a GTX2EXB Geocortex Essential 4.12-4.15 to WebMap&Experience Builder project?

The idea would be:
1. Get Geocortex's SITE.XML file (or /sites/ folder) 
2. run a script that parses through all the map information (services, layers, settings, etc)
3. identify all the custom Geocortex Workflows (custom code, usually for specific searchs or integration)
4. Identify any Data Links (SQL data access to tables for example)
5. Export to a dump log text file - for assessment. 

..then perhaps : 
6. Automatically connect on ArcGIS Portal and generate a web-map containing the same groups/layers
7. Create a new ExP builder project automatically and link web-map. 
8. return a working ExB ItemID 





1 Comment

Keen to hear if anyone has worked on this?