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Get Text into the Draw Widget

10-16-2023 11:54 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

In web app builder, the Draw Widget had a text feature. It is extremely useful for web site visitors to be able to label their drawings.

Tags (1)
by Esri Contributor

Adding another upvote, that my whole organization, a major North American Railway company, needs this feature. And also, while we're in this discussion, a customizable scale bar, and option to add multiple scale bars even, all of which were available in WAB. 

In the meantime, I've found a workaround within the Draw widget, that is being circulated in my organization and the staff are using this method right now to markup their drawings to other non-GIS departments being introduced to Esri ArcGIS. It even supports Bold font and different sizes! Workaround shown in the screenshot example:

Text in Draw Widget.PNG