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Expose SQL Expression Builder as a Widget

02-14-2023 02:22 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

It would be awesome to have an OOTB widget that just simply exposed the SQL Expression Builder instead of requiring a predefined filter or query. I'm publishing a web experience highlighting an inspections table with 40+ fields and I would like my end-users to be able to choose their own query rather than preconfiguring them all. Is this not a thing already? Seems like it would be very easy to implement.


I am needing to implement the same thing for a complex feature filter and it's proving to be very difficult to attempt to bring the expression builder in from settings. Is this even possible or advisable? Perhaps there are security risks? 


I like this idea.  If you are working with a REST service that brings the fields over as text, there isn't a way to do number SQL operations on fields that are truly numbers.   No way to query dates (ex: 19810627 in a text fields) to see if before or after another date.

only show points that occurred after 2019

date_field > 2019  

That greater than sign is not an option because the field comes over as text not a number