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Control visibility of selection highlight widget when crossing scale thresholds when zooming in/out

2 weeks ago
Status: Open
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Regular Contributor

We have a layer in Pro that has a visibility range set & this is honoured in the map image layer & webmap but there is a disconnect when using the Experience Builder Web App in AGOL. 

The cut off range is set so that when the map is zoomed out the polygons disappear however our issue with Experience Builder  is that when you that polygon selected with the pop-up showing the outline of the polygon is still selected in blue, even though the polygon layer has turned off at the correct scale setting. 

This behaviour occurs for both zoming in & out it doesn't matter how you have the visilibily range configured.

We would like the blue outline of the polygon to honour the same visibility cut off range settings as per the layer which does work for the map image layer & web map but not in Exp Builder.