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Chart Massage Action

10-02-2023 10:55 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Hi Y'all,

I have a map widget and a histogram chart widget, and I am trying to filter the layer on the map based on histogram bins. For this, I go to chart widget, select massage action, add trigger, select the map as Action and the histogram output as Trigger. Does the chart widget have the ability to filter the data? The issue is when I try to define the condition (my condition is the map data filtered by clicking on each bin), for the trigger field (chart result) there are 4 options including count, min value, max value and object ID and none of them does the filtering. I need help on that please!


1 Comment

I have precisely this problem!

Please provide a solution asap.

It would be impressive for the user to visualize the data in the histogram and be able to pick the bins of interest and see the data filter in the table.

For me, users need to be able to filter on minimum value of social vulnerability index to identify the most vulnerable populations. How low you can set the min SVI definitely depends on the distribution.