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Attachment Management Widget for Experience Builder

02-05-2021 12:03 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

A widget for viewing attachments for a feature service - either in image or list format.  I have a feature service for bridges that includes both pictures of the bridges as well as PDF inspection reports.  Ideal situation would be where I could select a feature, and a list of the associated attachments would be populated, with display options much like the list widget.  Even a list where I could set it to display the fields I add about each attachment would be nice.  Ability to click and open an attachment, also a plus.  Ability to remove / add even better.


Link to a similar request posted in the Questions Board by @Marc_Graham 

1 Comment

@Kara_Shindle , you may have tried this.

I did this in a map oriented experience.  What I ended up using was the list widget and the feature info widget.  Both of which were connected to the feature layer that had the attachments and filtered by location of the map.  Within the list widget, I used the photos as the "buttons"  you can do the same without the attachments and just populate the text.  So then when something is selected on the top or in the map, the feature info on the bottom corresponds with that item selected.  If there are multiple attachments associated with the point, they will appear in the bottom info widget, and the "button" up top with show the first attachment.  I would recommend if doing this method, make sure your map is made in map viewer beta, so you can get the gallery option for the attachments if you want to view them that way.



Good luck!