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Add Data Widget improvements

12-14-2023 11:53 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Update: Partially-resolved as of 3/25/24, except for Search Relevance filtering, and some fit and finish that could be improved.

Using Add Widget in Experience, several issues are ripe for a fix or improvement:

Basically, anything that worked in this Widget in WAB needs to work at least as well as it did before. It still needs refinement in EB in several ways, though the progress so far is appreciated...

Allow the very popular .GPX file format to be one of the possible File Adds.  [DONE, thank you Esri!]

  • Once a Layer has been added from Add, deleting it from the list of added Layers by clicking the trash can [UPDATE ...the Trash can inside the Add Dialog serves a separate purpose...] DOES NOT remove the Layer from the map nor from the Layers Widget. This needs a fix
    [Solution: Look to the lower right corner of your screen for trash can standing apart from the other dialogs. Click, select layer to be removed from the combo to delete the layer to be removed. Option to re-add will remain in the Add dialog until THAT thrash can is clicked there. Re-integration inside the Layers menus would be nice though.]



A previously added result stays in the list on closing and reopening the app (the only way to currently remove Added layer is refreshing). This needs to clear out with a page refresh. [Feature, not a bug. Leaves the items there to re-add. Now that the other trash can is apparent, I would not "fix" this new-to-EB feature.]

  • [Updated 3/15/24: This is still and issue. Example URL to add, below-- it zooms way out while not doing anything. Update 3/25/24 have not experinced this happeing again, will keep an eye ion it...] Some layers once added, have the tendency to throw the Visible Extent out to "Moon Altitude" at random moments. owner:USFSEnterprise MVUM_01 Map Service likes to do this to your Experience. Is there a trigger that looks at the Extent setting of the added Layer, and if it is NOT set, is that the reason? How about ignoring the Extent setting (or lack of it) of the external Layer and sticking with the one set by the Layers resident in the root Web Map and Feature Service behind the Experience?  
    Example URL to add that does this:


  • Allow Add Widget box to be resized wider in EB.

  • NEED A REMOVE MENU ITEM (once the Remove function works...) next to the added layer in Layers list. (Is this a Layer Widget setup item I have missed?) [It's just in a different place than expected, see lower-right corner of screen. Would be nice if in here though...]


The following is a remaining fit-and-finish item, but we can get used to the extra clicks in the meantime...

  • Clicking Done once an Add result is selected, I recall used to cleanly result in the immediate addition and activation of the new Layer. Now, consistently, you must also click through Actions, Add to Map. Could this be cut down to just adding the Layer to the map and Layer Widget when clicking Done?  This is clunky compared to WAB.  
  • Order of keyword search results does not seem to have the good relevance WebAppBuilder results had. How might this be improved?  [There is no Relevance-etc. pulldown as was in WAB.] 

Example: in a Web App, try search on "mvum" top one and most appropriate will be this:


Same exact search in EB version result in a slew of non-authoritative results and the good one that comes up first in WAB version is instead ~70 results down the list. Are results popularity-driven and won't improve until enough users make the same choice in plurality, ala a Google search?   

Or maybe it's just that Search by keyword needs an additional result filters like Relevance, not just Layer type. Relevance seems to work very well in WAB as the default result order...


Yes, adding owner:... makes for a great result set, but Joe Average web map user does not know the search tricks, like...

[owner:USFSEnter* mvum]


  • Updated 2/2/24 per user request: Calculate and display length on import of a GPX or KML, would be nice.





1 Comment

I'd like to second this request. The behavior of automatically zooming to the added data's full extent is a show stopper for us. We currently can't use the add from URL functionality for this reason. The sudden change in extent from the extent the user has on screen to a global map is both unexpected and unwelcome. Changing the data actions seems to have no effect on this behavior.