Add batch edit widget to experience builder

10-10-2022 10:46 AM
Status: In Product Plan
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Occasional Contributor

Experience Builder has so much potential, but we can't implement it until a batch editor capability is added. It is so convenient to be able to select multiple features and edit their attributes simultaneously rather than selecting one-by-one.

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FYI - There is an AGOL update scheduled for "February" (so sometime in the next 10 days??) and I've been playing around in the early adopter environment for it.

Still no sign of Batch Edit Widget for Experience Builder, but it is present and working for WebEditor.  The only caveat is that it is currently limited to 20 features at a time (or 200 features if you do not have a smart form configured, but we don't have any scenarios where that would be an option)

There is nothing in the release notes for Batch Editor for Experience Build so i assume it will still be quite some time before we see it.



February 2025 update notes released:

yep, just like you mentioned, bulk editing for WebEditor. But not for Experience Builder.


hopefully, it's now an easy jump from WebEditor to EB for the developers! 🤞



It's becoming difficult to stay patient for this update. Every time there is a new release I run like a child to the "Whats new" release notes seeing if batch editor has been added to ExB. I was let down yet again with this February's release.

ExB shouldn't have been initially released as a replacment for WAB without batch editing. It's too critical.

I guess I'll limp along a bit longer...


You are not alone Outer Spatial. That is the only thing I was looking for. Glad to see that we have ability to turn all layers on and off but batch edit is much more needed functionality. Hope it is coming soon.


If I could give this 100 kudo's I would.

Having being at the precipice of implementing this in WAB for our users, we held off given that the only other WAB client on our organisation was a generic read-only viewer. At the time, deferring the change management until ExB was ready made sense.

We have a small percentage of users working in Pro, but these are a minority and the opportunities for non-spatially proficient users making errors in editing hosted feature services keep me awake at night.

The combination of bulk edit functionality, smart forms with contingent values and snapping puts simple editing in a managed environment in front of a lot of our users who would otherwise have to make the step to learn Pro.

For us, this functionality outsources simple editing to project coordinators, planners and field supervisors who'll probably never need to learn the intricacies of desktop GIS and is keenly anticipated