Functionality Matrix for Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder

11-03-2021 12:54 PM

Functionality Matrix for Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder

Get a glance of widget migration status in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. For detailed information about which widgets are being migrated and when they will be made available in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and the developer edition, check out this newly added Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder functionality matrix topic on Web AppBuilder documentation site. Hopefully information provided helps you make decisions about your migration strategy. This article will be updated at each release. Please come back and check it out periodically.

A glance of widget migration status in ArcGIS Online (The last update is on November 19, 2024):



A glance of widgets migration status in versions of ArcGIS Enterprise (The last update is on November 19, 2024):



Frequent Contributor

@LaurenWinkler Awesome, love to see community shared solutions being useful to others! After all, what is a community if not to come together, solve problems, and, imagine this, laugh at ourselves (maybe some more than others) every once in a while? A bit of comedy always brightens our otherwise dull and grey ExB developer days. 😊

I aim to please; I'll be here all week! 

Frequent Contributor

We're looking at dropping ExB altogether as we have the same experience(!) as everyone else, widget migration is a joke, buggy, slow performance, terrible customer support. We're also looking at dropping our Enterprise environment too for many of the same reasons, but the cost of esri licencing is also ridiculous and we're sick of the cost vs quality. I think the tide is turning on esri and they will lose their monopoly (except in government), QGIS & PostGIS is where most people are heading.

Occasional Explorer

@Jianxia - I'm looking for the 'About' widget in Experience Builder.  I'm working in version 10.9, the matrix says it was available in 10.8.1.  I've checked all categories. Is this not available yet?  thanks!

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia - With all the great things that you are doing please also include trace and copy in the Edit Widget for EB. That would make the Edit Widget so excellent.

Thank you,

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia @Shen_Zhang - We have a custom append Geoprocessing tool in WAB that allows our users to append shape file from their local machine, however upon testing the Analysis tool in EB there did not seem to be a way to browse to your local machine to append a shape file. Please, if you can, we must have that capability. We will appreciate you.

Thank you,

Regular Contributor

@AbiDhakal You could publish a new Geoprocessing tool that has the shapefile as a parameter and it will prompt the user at runtime to choose a file.

Frequent Contributor

@AKRRMapGuy - Thank you, I got it. My old tool that is running in WAB did not work in spite of the parameter so I had to make a new one and it did.

Thank you,

New Explorer

When do you plan on brining the District Look up tool over to experience builder? I work at a school district and rely heavily on this widget for my school districts parents and staff to place students in web app builder.

Emerging Contributor

@ConnorDuffy"District Lookup" widget functionnalities have been intergrated in the "Near Me" widget a while ago. Have a look to it!

Occasional Contributor

Any new updates on the batch attribute editor in EXB? I know it's in process it's just hard since we still need to create WABs in order to get our workflows done with this tool.

Thanks so much!!


Frequent Explorer

We need some additional editing capability to be included in the ExB Edit widget in order to migrate our users onto ExB. Does anyone have some more in-depth information on the plans for the Edit widget?

Ideally at a minimum we would like the functionality from the WAB Edit and Smart Edit widget to be included.

Specifically the ability to create point, lines, polygons at user-defined coordinates, and the ability to edit the vertices of an existing layer to a user defined coordinate. The ability to create a circle at a specific radius around a user-defined coordinate. And polylines at specified distances and bearings from user-specified coordinates. In our case the coordinate would need to Lat/Long DMS, so the ability to easily convert/choose between DD and DMS would also be helpful.

Occasional Explorer

Haven't started the process of migrating our WAB apps to Experience Builder (ExB) just yet (been working on the underlying data first.)  Overall it looks like many of the same tools we're currently utilizing are now available in ExB.  However one that we make heavy use of is not.

I see that the "Public Notification" widget is not planned on being recreated in ExB.  We currently make heavy use of this widget in our normal operations.  Is there another widget that will fill this role or behave in a similar way?

Esri Regular Contributor

@JackBovee Public Notification is available as an Instant App template. Public Notification—ArcGIS Instant Apps | Documentation

Esri Regular Contributor


This blog may help: From the Smart Editor to Smart Forms

The ability to create features at predefined coordinates and polylines at specified distances and bearings is available using Tooltips in the Edit widget. See Edit widget—ArcGIS Experience Builder | Documentation 

You can also use the Coordinate Conversion widget to convert coordinates.

The ability to create a circle at a specific radius around a user-defined coordinate is not available at this time.


Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia @AlixVezina 

Do the capabilities in the Edit widget completely replace the features in the Parcel Drafter widget (creating a traverse, editing a traverse, curves, area calculation, misclose calculation, assigning attributes, etc.)? We need an out-of-the-box solution for COGO, not a clumsy one-at-a-time bearing and distance. There are many, many users out there that depend on this tool. I've seen multiple threads on it and it is mentioned several times in this thread.

Frequent Explorer

Hi @Jianxia,

we would love to see Mosaic Datasets supported in the ExB filter widget. Now we are using WAB to simulate radio coverage failure by filtering on a mosaic dataset. However, this is not yet possible in ExB if I am right? Is there any alternative?

Regards, Julian

by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Hi @JulianH_BMI,

Imagery service is now supported. Filters can be used to filter imagery service based on the Mosaic Dataset.




Frequent Explorer

Hi @Ke_Xu,

OMG - you just made my day! We have been upgrading to Enterprise 11.4 on our DEV system this week and it seems to work out perfectly! Do you know in which Enterprise version has the support been added - is it indeed 11.4?

Kind regards,


Version history
Last update:
‎11-19-2024 11:25 AM
Updated by: