Version 1.14 of Experience Builder Developer Edition is Now Available

03-21-2024 06:33 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
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Version 1.14 of Experience Builder developer edition is available for download. In addition to picking up new features, including Select widget, ability to filter multiple layers, and URL parameters for Map and Search widgets, from the February 2024 release of ArcGIS Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online, version 1.14 provides guidance on how to share code between widgets and how to automate your app deployments.

Share code between widgets

When you develop multiple widgets for one business domain, you may want to share code between them. There are two methods to achieve that in Experience Builder. One is dynamic loading and the other is shared entry. For details, see the document under Widget development and code samples in the GitHub repository.

Automate deployments

In your DevOps workflows, you can automate app deployments using the zipApp command. See the Automated deployments document under Deployment for more information.

Breaking changes

There are some breaking changes in Jimu libraries that may affect your apps. Make sure to check these changes out before upgrading your apps.

For more information about the 1.14 release, see What’s new. You can reach us with any questions at

Thank you,

The ArcGIS Experience Builder Team

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New Explorer

Thanks for posting this, @Jianxia! Does Esri have any examples of .gitlab-ci.yml files for this new automated deployments workflow? I found @GavinRehkemper's example using github that I can try to adapt but if there is something already out there, that would be great!

Emerging Contributor

@MattAtPlanet , Gavin's example is what we have right now. This topic is contributed by Gavin. 

About the Author
Product Manager for ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web Appbuilder. She likes camping and hiking.