I am trying to set up some preconfigured XML configuration files to support an automated deployment of ArcGIS Server (and Portal) that uses the /ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile /CONFIGPATH=my_config.xml installer command line options.
I have an XML file that I saved from a previous install and was hoping to use that as a template. However, the password field of the XML file appears to be stored as a base64-encoded hashed value. See examples below.
Is there any documentation on exactly how a password in encoded in this file?
Also related, the XML configuration file for Portal also encodes the password, but appears to use a different technique. Is there any documentation on the Portal configuration file as well?
If there is a different approach to setting up deployment configurations without having to store plain-text credentials, I'm open to suggestions.
Example ArcGIS Server XML config file
<ArcGISServerServicePassword>AgAAADAAAAAuaGNuU2Niq1ZpNjY5MmNaWXZOc3ZjRHNSMEhIadpo2G5oWVNkbAgzVkxVN1V9KgA= </ArcGISServerServicePassword>
Example Portal XML config file
I can't imagine how to decrypt an encrypted password for a service account would ever be documented. If the password changes, you should create a new configuration file or use Chef where you can control the deployment of your site.
I'm not trying to decrypt an existing password.
I'm using DSC for the deployment (versus chef), and I want to take a known password and hash it into the correct format so that it can be used in the config.xml file during the ArcGIS Server installation.
Hopefully that makes things a bit clearer.