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Unable to publish referenced feature service with attribute rule on related table

10-18-2022 08:05 AM
Emerging Contributor


We are trying to publish a feature class related to a table on Enterprise 10.8.1 from ArcGIS pro 3.0.2. We tried to publish it as a referenced feature service because we set up two attribute rules on the table. When this attribute rule is disabled, the publishing works fine, but not when it's activated :


//Populate a attribute on parent feature when the table is edited
var relid = $feature.PARENTGUID
var fsrel = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "gocite.GOCITE.Luminaire",["globalID"])
var frel = filter(fsrel,"globalID = @relid")
var dte = $feature.date_effectuee
var BonEtat = 1
var Reparer = 2

return {
return {


Here the other attribute rule that trigger before the previous one and can be handled by plublishing service :


//Populate the field "luminaireID" on edit
var fs = FeatureSetByName($datastore, "gocite.GOCITE.Luminaire",["globalid","luminaireID"],false)
var inv = $feature.parentguid
var fsrt = filter(fs,'globalid = @inv')
var fsr = first(fsrt)
iif(count(fsrt) > 0,fsr.luminaireID,null)


The server logs:

Erreur d’exécution de l’outil. PublishServiceDefinition Job ID: jfe9ca24bd562453caa52c18cd32edda3 : ERROR 001487: Failed to update the published service with the server-side data location. Please see the server's log for more details. ERROR 001369: Failed to create the service. Échec de l’exécution de (Publish Service Definition).

Failed to create the service.: La mise à jour de la chaîne de connexion au serveur a échoué pour la table gocite.GOCITE.InterventionSurEclairage. La chaîne de connexion de la tentative était ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD=######################;SERVER=serveur69;INSTANCE="DSID=##############";DBCLIENT=sqlserver;DB_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES=serveur69;DATABASE=#####;USER=#####;VERSION=sde.DEFAULT;AUTHENTICATION_MODE=DBMS. Le nom de la table physique recherchée était InterventionSurEclairage. Vérifiez que les données existent sur le serveur.

It's look like the publishing tool does not find the data on the server, but not when the attribute rule is disbled.

Is it an arcade version conflict with enterprise 10.8.1?


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