I have isntalled a Portal server 10.5.1 and web adaptor (IIS) 10.5.1 in single machine environment. The web adaptor is configured to access the Portal. I have also implemented IWA on Portal.
The porblem is that the performance of Portal is slow after setting up IWA. It takes nearly 2 minutes to open a map application, which has only a basemap layer, a point layer and few buttons e.g. measure distance, filtering. Anyone have ideas? Thanks.
Hmmm ... very broad question. There can be so many variables.
I would start with Googling <mywebserver> performance monitoring.
Good luck
try to use the javascript api from esri directly
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/3.23/"></script>
what is the result?
Thanks for your reply, but my map app is created from WebAppBuilder, where I can find source of the app to modify the javascript?
download the application created from web app builder.
then open the folder and search file env.js.
the highlighted areas showing where you have to focus.
I have modified the arcgis js path and then deployed to IIS, the map app does not work.
Couple of questions:
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry for the late response. If you already got around this, could you detail how?
If all of the servers are behind the firewall I would suggest trying authentication with Active Directory/LDAP at the Portal Tier. IWA may not be required if web tier authentication (e.g. outside the firewall) is not required, Portal Tier authentication may be quicker.
You have a lot of overhead on a single server as well. May see a bit of a performance if you are using a single machine deployment and it is federated, I assume ArcGIS Server is also on this machine. I would consider adding a server.
If you are hosting Image Server, GeoEvent, and ArcGIS Server on the same box you will also see a performance hit. Better to segregate if possible.
Was this ever resolved? If so, what ended up being the issue? I have nearly the same experience except mine works as it should under an admin role but users with "Creator" user level without admin role experience this same slow performance with Web Appbuilder apps. These users do have the needed permissions to access these services. If these same users go straight to the rest endpoint, or even the content items page, they do not experience performance issues. It only happens in Web Appbuilder apps.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!