Services not able to start after server restart due to windows updates

03-24-2014 09:22 AM
New Contributor III
Services not able to start after server restart due to windows updates
I'm running ArcGIS Server 10 enterprise, standard on windows 2008 server.
Everytime there are windows updates pushed the server restart and when it comes back the services are not available (what I normally do is to is:
1) STOP ArcGIS Server Object Manager service
2) STOP ArcGIS SOC Monitor service
3) RESTART ArcGIS Server Manager Service service
4) START ArcGIS Server Object Manager service (this automatically starts ArcGIS SOC Monitor service due to dependency)

and that tends to fix the issue.

The server comes up, I can check logs.. check the services are there and even restart them (and check the connections are made to our arcsde server) but the rest call still comes up empty

Any idea what could be the issue??

PS: when I restart the server at any other point I don't seem to have issues (meaning: I cannot replicate the problem just restarting the server)
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1 Reply
New Contributor

I got the same problem. Esri told me to set up a sheduled task of the windows server, which works minutes after every restart and restarts the services in the given order. For that you need a batch file ( but I never got it working.

The minimum order is at my installation to restart the SOC service and than the manager service. Restarting the SOC monitor is not neccessary for me.

Kind regards,
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