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“Service may be stopped or ArcGIS Server may not be running” error,

07-05-2018 10:36 AM
Legendary Contributor


“Service may be stopped or ArcGIS Server may not be running” error,


Despite the fact that the ArcGIS is running as a service, the ArcGIS map services fails to start.


What might be the issue here?

Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
0 Kudos
4 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

Just that one service? Are you able to publish it again, but with a different service name, and same error? If yes to both, the problem is with your data. Need more details on your set up, where the data is, versions, DB flavor, etc..also, it appears you're not using https. Not sure how you're set up, but not using https causes a lot of quirky mysteries in Arc GIS Server. 

Esteemed Contributor

Try using the Server Admin page to fix the issue as the Admin page and REST endpoint might be out of sync.

In the Admin page go to Machines->Select machine and click on Status next to Resources.  It might have a different Status than the REST endpoint status.  This is what occurred for me, but I am in a 2 machine load-balanced environment where 1 of the 2 servers was showing a similar issue.  ESRI tech. support had me start the problematic machine in the Admin page which resolved my issue.

ESRI's conclusion on why the condition occurred was that my account running ArcGIS Server did not have explicit full permissions to all required AGS resources, even though the account running AGS was in an Active Directory group that did have these permissions.  I did not change the permissions setup an AGS has been running as expected again for over a week now.  The initial setup has been running for 10 months without this issue occurring until, recently.

Esri Notable Contributor

I'll echo what Thomas Colson‌ said. There is a lot more information that you can provide to help the community troubleshoot with you. The logs should be the first place you look when services aren't coming up or there are issues with ArcGIS Server. For example, what happens if you simple start one of the services? If they don't start, what do the logs tell you the problem is?

Legendary Contributor


As I started the service, I got the message below


However, all what I did is uninstalling\reinstalling the ArcGIS Server and that seemed to resolve the issue.


But what if I had a looked at Home > machines > HPE31575M > status? How this could help in resolving the issue?


I don’t think that I had a permission issue here as this is a test stand-alone machine where the ArcGIS Server used to work fine for more than a year with no issue. Suddenly, I got the error that I highlighted

Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
0 Kudos