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Recommended method of monitoring ArcGIS Server Manager

01-09-2015 01:55 PM
Deactivated User

We recently had an incident where with our Arc GIS Server 10.2 Farm where the windows service did not stop, but the ArcGIS Server logs were indicating all kinds of errors.


Unfortunately they were not added to any of the Windows logs and it wasn't until someone tried the service hours later did they even figure out something was wrong. Long story short as it sits we need to manually open the logs via something like notepad or through the manager console to get notified about errors.


What are looking for some methodology that we can be notified when an error event is recorded in the logs. If this recorded to a standard object like Windows logs then I could setup subscriptions, but as it sits I'm spinning here.


I looked through what documentation I could find and did some google searches, but didn't really find anything solid.


I'm assuming I'm not the only person who has tried to automate error notifications so I'm hoping someone can provide advise.




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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Cameron,

We had a situation when services turned off and didn't restart (even though all relevant settings seemed fine).

To get a warning that something was wrong, we set up a cron job (i.e. scheduled task) on one of our linux machines. Every hour, the job runs a python script which pokes the services and see if they are running. The python script requires a list of expected services of course. If any services don't respond, the script sends an email with the list of services that did not respond to our ArcGIS Server admin who can investigate further.

I believe there are more elegant solutions but this is how we dealt with it at least for now.


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Deactivated User

In my case the services did not turn off as I mentioned in the original post. If the services were turning off I could work that fairly easily.

The problem here is that the service did not crash so the only marker I had were the proprietary logs files be generated in the application directory

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