Hi, I'm new to arcgis, I have a infrastracture that in a linux server update real time data with python scritps to bigquery and then use looker for dashboard. We are migrating this to arcgis, but I can't find clear information of the requeriments for this. I searched and found that arcgis server is needed, but I think I will have to replace bigquery for other DB. Where I can found an arquitecture schema of what I will need?
The team will develop on arcgis desktop, publish to arcgis online.
Hi @PabloTempone,
Sounds like an interesting migration project!
If you're going to ArcGIS Online then it sounds like ArcGIS Velocity may be what you require, please see further here:
Additionally, if you'd like to keep the workflow in-house (on ArcGIS Enterprise) you have the option of a Geoanalytics server.
I'm sure there's a lot more information to dig through regarding your project, in this case, I would recommend you speak to your Customer Success representative from your local Esri distributor to develop this migration method and gather your requirements fully.
Yes, It is an interesting project. Involves real time sensor data, python scripts, bigquery and dashboard migration (now).
Thanks I'll look for those options!
If using ArcGIS Enterprise, you could also refactor your python scripts to push the data to a sql geodatabase with associated arcgis layers served from it. Or you could use the rest api of the arcgis layers to post the data to. Or you could keep your bigquery db and write a custom data feed for arcgis server to publish a read only service directly from it: https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/server/latest/develop/windows/custom-data-feeds.htm