I have a scrip that was generated in ArcCatalog (published from a model) , that I run using IDLE 2.7.18
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import arcgisscripting
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
No other toolboxes called or anything, just location strings and variables after the above^
This script has worked many times before, both on my own PC and once it is copied onto a server machine running Server for ArcGIS 10.8.1. Today I attempted to run the script on the server machine and get the error:
Start Parcel Update
...ERROR! Sending email back to (my email)
Line 49
Object: Tool or environment <Delete_management> not found
Delete Management comes from arcpy, which is specifically called and does exist in the correct program files location (never been moved). I was able to successfully run the script on my own machine. As far as I know, there haven't been any changes made to licensing or anything since the last time I ran it either, so I'm kind of stumped. This seems to be occurring with other scripts run from the Server as well. A separate scrip is throwing the "not found" error when trying to run GenerateAttachmentMatchTable_management from management.py in arcpy.
I'm far from proficient at python and scripting, so any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I am also having trouble running a tool, but in 10.8.2.