I am trying to publish a weblayer with raster data to ArcGIS Server. I've created a raster dataset in ArcGIS Pro and filled it with orthophotos. I tried it first with just 10 orthophotos and then shared it as a weblayer with WMS.
The process was successful. In the next step I wanted to do the same with all orthophotos I want to share (about 390 objects). Creating the raster dataset and adding the orthophotos in ArcGIS Pro worked fine.
But when I want to share the layer as I did before I get after about 12 h the following errors in the log:
Here is the full log:
I am wondering why the first layer with just 10 orthophotos were published successfully and now publishing the layer with ~390 orthophotos fails.
Any ideas?
How is the service being published? Are you publishing the map service by copying the data onto the ArcGIS Server machine, or from a registered data source?
Also, 12 hours is a long time for a publishing operation to run, so it could be that timeout issues were at play here. What is the "Maximum time a Client can use a service" setting under the System/PublishingTools geoprocessing service in Server Manager?
unfortunately setting the option as described did not help and the problem persists. Does anyone have any other idea?
It seems that even 24 hours is too long for the size of the service you are trying to publish. A useful method I have seen in the past is to essentially split the process into two steps. First, create the SD file, and then upload it to ArcGIS Server/Enterprise.
You can also remove network latency out of the equation by manually copying the SD file from your desktop machine onto the machine where ArcGIS Server is installed, and uploading it directly from the C drive.
Hopefully, breaking it up in this fashion will allow the publishing to complete in under 24 hours.