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Publish Routing Services Python utility encountering errors

04-24-2018 02:46 AM
New Contributor III

So I have built a network dataset based on Ordnance Survey Open roads that I'd like to publish as a routing service on my internal ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 setup, it's fairly vanilla at this stage and was configured using the enterprise builder tool.

While running the Publish Routing Services ( utility I get this error:

ERROR | 2018-04-24 10:23:17 | __main__ | nas | error | 400 | GIS Server cannot access the file geodatabase containing the network dataset at E:\arcgis\NetworkServices\OSOpenRoads/OSOpenRoadsServer.gdb

ERROR | 2018-04-24 10:23:17 | __main__ | nas | exception | 418 | A geoprocessing error occurred. Details have been logged to E:\arcgis\NetworkServices\ServiceDefinition\publishroutingservices.log

DEBUG | 2018-04-24 10:23:17 | __main__ | nas | exception | 422 | Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\tools\PublishRoutingServices\", line 222, in publish_routing_services


  File "E:\arcgis\NetworkServices\ServiceDefinition\prs\", line 873, in execute

    raise arcpy.ExecuteError


It's clear that the file geodatabase the script is looking for (above) does not match the file geodatabase location I specified for the tool's parameters (below as -n) (explained on the ESRI website here). Though I am not sure if this is the actual problem or a "red herring". But if it is the actual error it suggests the ESRI utility is changing the URL at some point in the script?

Regarding Windows file access and permissions the script is run as an administrator and I have given the folder "E:\arcgis\" and all sub folders read/write access for the ESRI system account I created for ArcGIS enterprise to use.

C:\Python27\ArcGISx6410.6\python.exe "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\tools\PublishRoutingServices\" -s -P -u username -p password -o E:\arcgis\NetworkServices\ServiceDefinition -n E:\arcgis\NetworkServices\OSOpenRoads\Data\OSOpenRoadsServer.gdb\OSOpenRoadsNetwork_ND

EDIT 1  - For anyone who was interested the error occurred because I had missed the "feature dataset" from the -n parameter since it goes File GeoDatabase - Feature Dataset - Network Dataset. However, I'm now encountering another error with my new parameters:

Command Line input

C:\Python27\ArcGISx6410.6\python.exe "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\tools\PublishRoutingServices\" -s -P -u username -p ***** -o E:\RoutingServices\ServiceDefinitions -n E:\RoutingServicesData\OSOpenRoadsServer.gdb\OSOpenRoadsNetwork\OSOpenRoadsNetwork_ND

Debug Output 

INFO | 2018-04-25 09:08:58 | __main__ | nas | info | 391 | Creating supporting files at E:\RoutingServices\ServiceDefinitions\prs\data

ERROR | 2018-04-25 09:08:58 | __main__ | nas | exception | 418 | Failed to create supporting files in E:\RoutingServices\ServiceDefinitions\prs\data

DEBUG | 2018-04-25 09:08:58 | __main__ | nas | exception | 422 | Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "E:\RoutingServices\ServiceDefinitions\prs\", line 932, in execute


  File "E:\RoutingServices\ServiceDefinitions\prs\", line 265, in execute

    parser.set(network, prop, network_props[prop])

  File "C:\Python27\ArcGISx6410.6\lib\", line 743, in set

    raise TypeError("option values must be strings")

TypeError: option values must be strings


ERROR | 2018-04-25 09:08:58 | __main__ | nas | exception | 418 | A geoprocessing error occurred. Details have been logged to E:\RoutingServices\ServiceDefinitions\publishroutingservices.log

I am currently unable to solve this error and have an ESRI support case open. Any thoughts/guidance is appreciated. I will of course share any solutions as and when I get them.

EDIT 2 - In case anyone else has encountered this error, I raised it with ESRI UK support. They investigated with my network dataset and configuration, confirmed my network dataset and system met the requirements for the utility and that it was a bug/issue with the script that they had identified and planned a fix for. I was told it will be fixed with the release of ArcGIS Server 10.6.1, which is due at some point soon, touted for "summer 2018". In the meantime my case was closed as nothing else could be done aside from waiting for the fix.



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12 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Nice one, keep me posted!..Francis.

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New Contributor III

So I tried to upgrade to 10.6.1, and it broke our ArcGIS Enterprise server. Thankfully we had snapshots but we've not tried to upgrade again since. I will attempt it again at some point!

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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the update and yes good thing you were able to roll back!  We are in the process of upgrading ourseleves actually so may be in the position to test the utility soon also.

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