I have set the hosted server in portal for ArcGIS. Now, I am adding items from my computer e.g. zipped shapefile, I am getting the below error.
If I uncheck the check box Published this file as hosted layer than it is uploading and showing in my content, but as hosted layer I am getting above error. Also, If I run Spatial Analysis widget in application I am getting the same above error.
I have configured the trusted SSL certificate for Portal.
All enterprise components installed (Portal, ArcGIS Server, Datastore) in single machine test server and configured porperly.
So kindly suggest us how to resolve this issue.
Your Portal doesn't trust the certificate used for the admin URL of the hosting Server. Are you using the machine URL, (ex https://server.domain.com:6443/arcgis)? Did you import your own certificate to use for Server's web server?