I am having trouble with licensing ArcGIS Pro from a License Server deployed with ArcGIS Enterprise. In short, when I try to sign in as a named user using our License Manager on Enterprise, authentication fails and I receive the following error:
A valid ArcGIS License Manager for your Licensing Portal could not be found on the specified host. Please contact your organization’s License Administrator to ensure that your ArcGIS License Manager is running and accessible.
As a part of my attempts to work out this issue, I came this technical support document that appeared to be right in line with my issue:
A valid ArcGIS License Manager for your Licensing Portal could not be found on the specified host
I have worked through each of the steps, but am stuck on the last one:
Set the machine name in the portal-config.properties file
On the ArcGIS Server machine, set the machine name to a FQDN in the portal-config.properties file to accurately identify the machine.
The document says that the file should be found in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\framework\etc.
We are not using a Windows Server as suggested by the file path provided by the technical document, but the directory structure for where ArcGIS Server is installed on our Linux server is such that there is a <server directory>\framework\etc directory.
Thanks for any guidance the community can offer. Happy to offer clarifications on request.
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