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Map image service layers symbology missing

12-05-2024 12:47 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello, we have now migrated from Enterprise portal setup 12.8 to 11.3 and I have noticed some bugs. One of these bugs is that when you add a single map image service layer through its rest point URL then you loose its Pro set symbology. This happens with lines and polygons but for points then the symbology keeps itself.

We are used to this from before happening to Feature services but not map image services. Wondering if this is a general bug or if we have something off in our local setup?

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Esri Community Manager

Hi @KristjanHlynurIngolfsson, we appreciate you sharing a potential bug with the broader Esri Community; however, Esri does not actively track software defects posted here. The official channel for investigating and validating bugs is Esri Technical Support. All customers experiencing a potential software bug should leverage technical support to report and investigate the issue.

By reporting bugs through technical support, Esri can better track the scope and impact of the issue across all our customers and better prioritize it with our product teams. Our teams can also investigate the issue more thoroughly to see if there is a solution, workaround, or patch to get you back up and running as soon as possible.

As a reminder, Esri Community is primarily a self-service support platform where Esri users can ask or answer each other’s questions, share feature requests, and collaborate to solve problems with GIS.

*Note that this is a scripted message prompted when posts allude to a potential product bug.

Jesse Cloutier
Community Manager, Engagement & Content
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