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Locator Proxy

02-28-2022 01:45 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi everyone,

I would like to create a proxy service for our own geocoder to act as an locator. So i could use our own geocoder to geocode in portal and other esri software.

To do so, I'm looking for a definition of every function the locator/proxy has to offer and how the input and output has to look like.

Is there somewhere a definition for this and I just can't find it?

best regards,


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5 Replies
MVP Alum
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Occasional Contributor

Hello Amanda,

I already created my own locator, but this doesn't show me all the input and output parameters.

What I'm searching for is a complete definition of all the input and output parameters of the locator.

With this I could write my own Locator, which would act as an proxy to our geocoder.

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MVP Alum

What language are you using to write the locator?

Amanda Bishop, GISP
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Occasional Contributor

The locator will be written in C#.

But this shouldn't matter as it will be hostet as a rest service, like the locators I publish to the portal.

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MVP Alum
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