We are joining non-spatial tables in a PostgreSQL database to GIS feature classes (based on a common id). When the join occurs, a percentage sign (%) appears in the joined table name and field names. This causes weird behaviors in Pro (sometimes not allowing symbolizing based on joined fields) and doesn't work well when referencing the fields using the JS API. Is there a work-around for this issue? It seems like a pretty common workflow (joining a database table to a feature class) to be having such a serious issue, especially when the bug was first reported in 2014 (10 years ago).
here are two that I can think of. I'm afraid you might not like either of them :(.
Here is the bug# BUG-000156380 that we have on our side to resolve this issue.
another option is to create a database view.
Views in an enterprise geodatabase—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Example: Create database views in PostgreSQL using SQL—ArcMap | Documentation (arcgis.com)
Create Database View (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
SQL and enterprise geodatabases—ArcMap | Documentation (arcgis.com)
For the query layer, do you have an example of an SQL statement to create the join?
Example: Create database views in PostgreSQL using SQL—ArcMap | Documentation (arcgis.com)
In this example, the view—emp_regions_view—joins a spatial table (feature class) with a nonspatial table based on the emp_id column. The view includes the ObjectID, spatial column (region), and region name (rname) from the regions feature class along with the employee name and ID from the employees table.
CREATE VIEW emp_regions_view AS SELECT (e.emp_name,e.emp_id,r.objectid,r.rname,r.region) FROM employees e, regions r WHERE e.emp_id = r.emp_id;
here is an example:
SELECT fc.*, tbl.*
FROM myFC fc
INNER JOIN my_non_reg_table tbl
ON fc.joinFld = tbl.joinFld
Thank you for the examples @TanuHoque and @MarceloMarques . However, I am getting the error "Underlying DBMS error[ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented" when i try to use the code examples.
cross-database references are not implemented
read more in the link below on how to resolve this problem.
urgh.... I wanted to mention that in my first comment and then I dropped (I just updated that comment) -- that the query layer approach requires both side presented in the same database.
thanks @MarceloMarques for providing the link to the stackoverflow discussion
@TanuHoque - As this issue has been outstanding for over 10 years... is there a definitive schedule to get this bug fixed?